Tuesday, July 11, 2017

How to Start Homeschooling

There are a number of reasons why many parents are considering how to start homeschooling. Many parents believe the school system is failing their child as they watch a steady decline in grades. Parents these days have also become more aware of bullying at school and want to provide a safe environment for their child to learn. Oftentimes parents just want to take a more proactive approach to their child's education. Whatever the reason why they are looking search for how to start homeschooling, any reason is a valid one.

If you watch the news, it does not appear a public school environment is a good place for our children. School violence has certainly been on the rise. Even more apparent than school violence is the attack on a child's free speech. A friend of mine witnessed this first hand. Her little boy's kindergarten class was told to bring in their favorite book and he wanted to bring in a Veggietales book that said "God Made You Special, " and the teacher would not allow him in the classroom. His mother went to the teacher to discuss the reason why and the teacher simply said this book was not appropriate. Why would a book about God telling a child they were special be a problem? Freedom of speech even for your children is the reason why.

Being bullied has also become a serious problem for young children and teens. Teen suicide is on the rise in large part because of bullying. I remember growing up and witnessing this unfortunate thing and it was certainly not fun.

If you want to know how to start homeschooling, then there are a number of resources online today to help you in your endeavors.

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